The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
took a 2-hour jetboat adventure tour into the wilderness of Alaska
via Mahay's Jet Boat Adventure in Talkeetna, Alaska
June 30, 2009
The Wilderness Jetboat Adventure was a two-hour tour that cruised into Alaska's untamed wild land and although still 60 miles away from the great mountain of Denali, the two RV Gypsies got another great view of Denali.
The trip began aboard the "Talkeetna Queen" as it whisked the two RV Gypsies into the heart of the wilderness in comfort. This river jetboat was designed to safely navigate rivers that were previously inaccessible.
mahay's jetboats sign
the boat
New RV friends of the two RV Gypsies, Tina and John. They were so much fun to be with.
Lee with New RV Friends - Tina and John
sign - Mahay's jetboat Safari
no trespassing sign
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
river view
Next, the two RV Gypsies took a 1/4 mile leisurely nature walk through a Dena'ina Indian Encampment, a visit to an authentic trapper’s cabin with its original furnishings and a view of how trappers lived in "Bush" Alaska at the turn of the century. Plus a display of raw furs from the local area and a demonstration of trapping methods, and wildflowers and plants that grow in abundance along the river system and learned about the edible plants that were used by the Native Indians for cooking and medicines.
food hole
log cabin
Since there were no cutting tools in those days,
the logs were burned to the proper length
Below: Lee Duquette examined the furs of various animals
Below: Mt. McKinley as seen from within 60 miles of it on a cloudy day, but they say this is the view only 30% of visitors are lucky enough to see - but later, the two RV Gypsies got photos with no clouds whatsoever.
Mt. McKinley
Mt. McKinley
Mt. McKinley
Mt. McKinley
laughing clipart dudeSome passengers were unruly and were kicked off the boat to walk the rocky terrain as punishment. JOKE - LOL
passengers leaving
passengers leaving
rocky shoreline
rocky shoreline

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Jump into the future (2016) when the two RV Gypsies took Mayhay's Jet Boat Adventure for a second time because family was with them. Although the boat trip was the same of course, the guide's narration and the photos are different. There will be a link at the top of that page to return here so you can see the BELOW SCARE.


go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesStay in the year 2009 as The two RV Gypsies took an Alaska Bush floatplane adventure (this page must be seen because of a Scary surprise when Lee and Karen Duquette were all alone and saw evidence of a drunk bear.)