Lee and Karen Duquette
Enjoyed the 2-Wheel Skills Challenge
at the Monster Jam in Greensboro, North Carolina
Winner: Monster Mutt Dalmatian with a score of 9.671
ThunderROARus with a score of 9.592
Just Get Er Done II with a score of 8.808
Grave Digger with a score of 7.902
El Toro Loco with a score of 6.200
Raminator with a score of 5.155
Megalodon with a score of 4.875
Rammunition with a score of 3.271

2-Wheel Skills Challenge  citeria
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Below: The winner of the 2-Wheel Skills Challenge was Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian with a score of 9.671
Blake Granger Blake Granger in Monster Mut

Below: Scroll down to see why Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian took first place in the 2-Wheel Challanege.

Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian
Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian Blake Granger in Monster Mutt Dalmatian
2-wheel challenge 2-wheel challenge
2-wheel challenge a very happy Blake Granger
Blake Grange in Monster Mutt Dalmatian Blake Grange in Monster Mutt Dalmatian
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Below: The 2nd Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Tony Ochs in ThunderROARus with a score of 9.592

Tony Ochs

Scroll down to see Tony Ochs perform in the 2-Wheel Skills Challenge. At most points, the monster truck is at an actual stand-still on 2 wheels.

2-Wheel Skills Challenge 2-Wheel Skills Challenge
2-Wheel Skills Challenge 2-Wheel Skills Challenge
ThunderROARus Monser Truck ThunderROARus Monser Truc

Below: See how the Monster Truck drivers get into their Monster Truck.

Tony Ochs getting into ThunderROARus Tony Ochs getting into ThunderROARu
how the Monster Truck drivers get into their Monster Truck.
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Below: The 3rd Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Brandan Tulachka in Just Get-ER-Done II with a score of 8.808

Brandan Tulachka Just Get-ER-Done II winner

Below: See the great 2-wheel stunts done by Brandan Tulachka

Just Get-ER-Done II Just Get-ER-Done II
Just Get-ER-Done II Just Get-ER-Done II
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Below: The 4th Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger with a score of 7.902

Krysten Anderson Grave Digger score
Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger

Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger

Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
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Below: The 5th Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco with a score of 6.200

MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco
MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco
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Below: The 6th Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Mark Hall in Raminator with a score of 5.155

Mark Hall Reminator score
Mark Hall in Raminator Mark Hall in Raminator
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Below: The 7th Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon with a score of 4.875

Mikayla Tulachka Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon

Look Below to see Megalodon in action

Megalodon in action Megalodon in action
Megalodon in action
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Below: The 8th Place winner in the 2-Wheel Compeition was Dale Benear in Rammunition with a score of 3.271

Dale Benear Rammunition
Rammunition Rammunition
Rammunition Rammunition

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Sky Wheelie Competition