TOC for Lee and Karen Duquette
at their 4th Monster Jam Event - this time at Rupp Arena
430 W. Vine Street
Lexington, KY 40507
USA map showing location of KY
June 30, 2024

You may view these sites in any order you choose, BUT it is best if you just go from Page 1 to Page 2, to Page 3 and so on via the links at the bottom of each page. It is NOT necessary to keep returning to this TOC.

At the end of the last page, there will be a link to go to another Monster Truck Jam Event at a different Arena with different Monster Trucks and drivers, OR to continue on with the 2024 travels in order of occurrence, OR to use the main navigational buttons for this very large website to browse anything in any order you choose. It is a very large website with lots of categories via the main TOC.

important noteHowever, due to Karen Duquette having a right broken arm, (she is right handed and she is also the person making this entire website) she is way behind on keeping this website up to date, so please keep checking back.

bullet Around town in Lexington, KY - near the Rupp Arena

bullet Pit Party - Monster Jam at Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY - meet and greet the drivers

bullet The entry parade of monster trucks and some "sparkle fun"

bullet The Monster Trucks compete in the Racing Competition - and a winner was declared

bullet 2-Wheel Skills Challenge - and a winner was declared

bullet Donut Competition - and a winner was declared

bullet Freestyle - and a winner was declared

bullet Overall Event winner

bullet The amazing bikers

next event After you have seen all of the above, continue on to the Monster Trucks in Raleigh, North Carolina - on July 28, 2024 - which has different mostly Monster Trucks and drivers.


Continue Navigation in the order of your choice
via the alphabetical or category buttons below

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