Lee and Karen Duquette
drove through Lexington, Kentucky and Karen took a few photos along the way.
June 28, 2024

Kentucky water towr

Welcome to Lexington, Kentucky sign

Below: University of Kentucky crossover

Welcom to Lexington, Kentucky sign University of Kentucky crossover

Below: Rupp Arena in Lexington where Karen and Lee Duquette will go to watch The Monster Trucks on June 30th

Below: First Inauguration Information sign

Rupp Arena in Lexington First Inauguration Information sign

Below: Globes on the Oliver Lewis Bridge behind Rupp Arena. These abstracted interpretation of burning bourbon barrels is a gateway to the Distillery District. The classical element of flame is a counterpart to the river below the bridge. The flames are meant to resemble glowing torches. When the sun shines through them, they glow yellow.

Globes on the Oliver Lewis Bridge Globes on the Oliver Lewis Bridge
Globes on the Oliver Lewis Bridge

Below: Lee and Karen Duquette love murals and Karen photographs as many of them as she can.

horse mural in Lexington KY horse mural in Lexington KY

Below: Although Lee and Karen Duquette did not go into the Irish Bar, Karen Duquette noticed the 4 statues of people standing on the ledge, so she snapped a photo as they drove past.

4 statues of people standing on the ledge

Below: Untitled artwork

Below: Abraham Lincoln mural on a building

Untitled artwork Abraham Lincoln mural on a building

Below: Often as Lee Duquette drives around, Karen Duquette snaps photos of things she thinks are interesting.

car on narrow bridge

The photos below were taken as Lee duquette drove over a bridge (not the one shown above) so they do not know anything about the old building, but Karen Duquette liked the flowing water over a small ledge.

old building and flowing water fall old building and flowing water fall

Below: Salsarita's Restaurant was full of people. You order at a counter and they yell out your name so you come and get the order. Most people here appeared to be Mexicans and the workers spoke Spanish. Lee and Karen hated their food and threw it out, uneaten.

Salsarita's Restaurant Salsarita's Restaurant menu

Below: Later Lee and Karen Duquette ate at Carson's. (Can you see Karen Duquette's reflection in the window at Carson's ?)

Carson's restaurant Carson's restaurant sign

Continue on to the next page Continue on to the Lexington Arboretum, the StoryWalk Project, and the Flight 5191 Memorial