Lee and Karen Duquette
enjoyed Wytheville Virginia's Love sign, colorful water tower and oddities
July 17, 2023
USA map showing location of Virginiamap of Viriginia sshowing location of Wytheville

Historic District sign on East Main Street
Wytheville flags

Below: Karen and Lee Duquette think it is fun to watch tall, wiggly dudes that keep flopping around and can not stand up straight. It always makes Karen Duquette giggle.

a wiggly BBQ dude
 sign about the Letter L in the Love sign
 sign about the Letter O in the Love sig
 sign about the Letter V in the Love sig
 sign about the Letter E in the Love sig
Love sign in Wytheville, Virginia
Karen Duquette at the love sign in Wytheville VA
painted divider bar

Along the interstate on the south side at mile marker 71 at the Cove Road Overpass, on Rolling Hills Drive in Wytheville, Virginia, a municipal water tower is painted to resemble a rainbow-striped hot air balloon with attached basket. It is also visible from I-81 but not directly accessible off that interstate. It is tucked into a nice little neighborhood.

Wytheville hot air balloon water tower
Wytheville hot air balloon water tower

Wytheville hot air balloon water tower

Wytheville hot air balloon water tower
Karen Duquette at the Wytheville hot air balloon water tower
Karen Duquette at the Wytheville hot air balloon water tower
Lee and Karen Duquette

Below: The big pencil is about 2 miles on Route 11 (Main Street) off of I-81 and I-77 exit 73 - Or I-81 Exit 70, then take N 4th St. to Main St. Wytheville Office Supply. The About 2 miles on Route 11 (Main Street) off of I-81 and I-77 exit 73. Or I-81 Exit 70, then take N 4th St. to Main St. Wytheville Office Supply. The impressive scribbler points down to the entrance of the office supply store, frightening those who fear impalement by a big pencil.

Neither Lee nor Karen Duquette realized that inside the office supply store, there is the world's largest working incisors and they are said to give a free post card of the pencil. Considering all the travel they have done, you would think they would research something like this before leaving the area. But they did not! Bummer!

Wytheville banner and the giant pencil giant pencil in Wythvville
painted divider bar

Below: A big paint bucket on the roof top of The Paint Store in Wytheville, Virginia. Notice their toad reflected in the door and window.

small paint bucketpaint brushbig paint bucket at The Paint Store

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to The Log House 1776 Restaurant, flower garden and gift shop in Wytheville, VA


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