Two RV Gypsies
in Front Royal, Virginia
July 10, 2023

USA map showing location of Virginia

Front Royal is the only incorporated town in Warren County, Virginia. Front Royal is approximately 76 miles west of Washington, D.C., 13 miles southeast of Middletown, 12.5 miles east of Strasburg and 26.3 miles northeast of Woodstock. The population was 14,440 at the 2010 census.

The town has a total area of 9.5 square miles of which 9.3 square miles is land and 0.2 square miles is water. In 2014, the town annexed additional land, increasing the town's total land area to 10.5 square miles

Front Royal is located at the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Shenandoah River.

Crossroads of War in Front Royal
Welcome to Front Royal sign ice cream bench in Front Royal

Below: Karen Duquette loves ice cream - BUT - maybe she goes "overboard" sometimes.

Karen Duquette on an ice cream bench Karen Duquette and a really big ice cream cone

Below: Photos taken inside the ice cream store were interesting. But it must be noted that the two RV Gypsies will NOT label this the best ice cream they ever had. They both thought their ice cream lacked any flavor at all.

inside the ice cream store
in the ice cream store window in the ice cream store window
inside the ice cream store
inside the ice cream store inside the ice cream store

Below: A mural on the side corner of the ice cream store.

mural on the side corner of the ice cream store mural
Be Kind sign flowers
sun faces divider bar

Below: Outside of the Visitor Center - a sun dial. It was not accurate because of the shadows from the trees.

Millennium Sundial sign
Lee Duquette at the Millennium Sundial Lee Duquette at Millennium Sundial

Below: The Visitor Center sign and caboose near the above sundial.

Front Royal Visitors Center sign Front Royal train caboose
oak tree
oak tree sign
sun faces divider bar

Below: Wings are beautiful

Karen Duquette got her wings a bumble bee

Below; The two RV Gypsies love woodpeckers, especially red-headed woodpeckers. So they loved the designs on the building shown below.

woodpeckers on a building woodpeckers on a buildin

Below: Window Browsing - Karen Duquette liked the way the wine glass looked in the store window, regardless of the reflections which did not add to the photos. (She also loves wine)

wine glass wing glass and corks

Below: Murals in Front Royal, Virginia

Murals in Front Royal, Virginia Murals in Front Royal, Virginia

Below: Loveable Weird people are attracted to loveable weird stuff in store windows

dog beer sign weird art
weurd art sign on a car
Collectibles gifts big doll castle
center of the square
Love sign and the two RV Gypsies
decorative art on building decorative art on building
crown divider bar

Below: The two RV Gypsies came to an alley and a building with such an amazing design, so they took a lot of pictures of the building.

Life in the Blue Ridge 2020 sign art on a building
art on a building panorama
art on a building panorama
art on a building art on a building
art on a building mouse
horse in stable art on a building
eagle and fish bat
stork fireman
art on a building art on a building
crown divider bar

Below: Leaving the town of Front Royal, Karen Duquette spotted more unusual items.

flat motor bike art
Big wobbly funny dude Minature car
Royal Cinemas in Front Royal

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to Skyline drive Overlook and some deer


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