Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
drove to Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Highway 64 - Highlands NC 28741
(Transylvania County)
October 27, 2020
USA map showing location of North Carolina NC map

Bust-Yer-Butt Falls also known as Drift Falls and Driftwood Falls. This waterfall located on private property in Transylvania County, North Carolina.

On US 64, pull over on right or left. This is a popular swimming hole. For the brave, one can jump off a boulder into the Cullasaja River.

Drift Falls flows on the Horsepasture River in the Jocassee Gorge. The falls is an 80-foot slide over bedrock to a deep pool, and is a part of a series of waterfalls along a 1,200-foot drop along the course of the river over a 2.5 mile stretch.

In the past, large numbers of visitors to the falls would cause traffic problems along North Carolina Highway 281 as they gathered at the falls to swim in the pool. Thrill seekers would use the falls as a natural waterslide, which is how the falls got its nickname of "Bust-Yer-Butt Falls.”

Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls

Below: A rope was hanging on the big, slopping rock to help people get down into the water. It is said to get a lot of use in good weather. "No Thank-You" said Lee and Karen Duquette.

rope to swimming hole rope to swimming hole
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls
Bust-Yer-Butt Falls Bust-Yer-Butt Falls

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