On this date, it cost an extra
$3 a person to enter the Butterfly Bungalow. The two RV Gypsies later
realized that it was NOT worth the extra money because there were only
a few butterflies inside and they seldom landed on the flowers.
Besides, as they later walked around the other garden sections, there
were lots of beautiful butterflies that were easy to photograph and
enjoy. |
However, Karen
Duquette did get three nice photos of butterflies inside the Butterfly
Bungalow and there were several interesting signs about butterflies
inside the Butterfly Bungalow. |








The butterflies shown below were photographed throughout the various
gardens. |
Below: Monarch Butterflies |
Below: Black Swallowtail |
Below: Eastern
Tiger Swallowtail |
Below: Giant
Swallowtail |
Below: Spicebush
Swallowtail |