The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Fort Frederick State Park
1100 Fort Frederick Road
Big Pool, Maryland (Washington County)
June 20, 2017

phone: -'301.842.2155 for hours

USA map showing locaition of Maryland

American history from the colonial period to the present can be discovered at Fort Frederick State Park. The park features a unique historic stone fort that served as Maryland's frontier defense during the French and Indian War. From the park itself, outdoor recreation enthusiasts can use Big Pool Lake, the Potomac River, and reach the start of the Western Maryland Rail Trail.
(above quote from Fort Frederick State Park brochure)

sign: Frederick State Park

USA flag and Maryland state flag

Calvert Arms Flag

sign about the Calvert Arms Flag

Concererate cannon sign

Concererate cannon

Welcome to Fort Frederick sign

Fort Frederick State Park is a Maryland state park surrounding the restored Fort Frederick, a star fort active in the French and Indian War (1754 - 1763) and the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The park is south of the town of Big Pool on the Potomac River; the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal runs through the park grounds. The site was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1973.

Fort Frederick National Historic Landmark plaque

Description: The fort is a large stone quadrangle with bastions at each corner. Each face of the curtain wall is about 179 feet long, 17.5 feet high and 3 feet thick at the base. The bastions project diagonally about 100 feet, are 4.5 feet thick at the base, and were filled with earth to provide a platform. The main gate is located in the center of the south curtain wall. Two of the three barracks buildings have been restored. The west barrack is reconstructed to its 1758 appearance, while the east barrack contains displays regarding the history of the fort. The north barrack, known as the Governor's House, has not been reconstructed.

outside wall at Fort Frederik

 Guard Room

 Guard Room

sign about the Enlisted Men's Quarters

Enlisted Men's Quarters

Enlisted Men's Quarters

sign about the Women's Quarters

Women's Quarters

Women's Quarters

Fort Frederick provides children with a variety of ways to get involved with history and nature. (The faces of the children in the below photo have been blurred out)

children learning history

inside Fort Frederick

one of two buildings at Fort Frederick

sign: Daily Life as a Prisoner

sign about Prisoners at Fort Frederick

sign about Fort Frederick POW Camp

Prisoners Room

part of the wall behind the building

the well

Below: "Hey Hey Hey! Look at me, I am so strong carrying two buckets of water" said Lee Duquette.
WAIT, there was NO water in the buckets. What a jokester he is!

Lee Duquette carrying 2 buckets of water

laundry room sign

Laundry room

Officer's Kitchen sign

Officer's Kitchen fireplace

Officer's Kitchen

Officer's Kitchen

King's Storehouse sign

King's Storehouse

sign about Nathan Williams

sign about Fort Frederick

Below: A sign on the bulletin board outside the modern day store and souvenir shop.

sign on the bulletin board

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