Lee and Karen Duquette
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

visited the famous Angel Oak Tree
on Johns Island in South Carolina
June 2, 2017

The Angel Oak is a Live Oak native tree species found throughout the Lowcountry. It is estimated to be between 300 to 400 years old. Its massive, draping limbs and wide spreading canopy present the aura of an angel; however, the naming was acquired from the tree's previous owners, Justis and Martha Angel. Local folklore tells stories of ghosts of former slaves appearing as angels around the tree.

Angel Oak sign

Angel Oak postcard

Angel Oak plaque

The Angel Oak was very hard to photograph. There were people everywhere. But the panorama below with people in the photo helps everyone to realize the size of the tree. Photos cannot do the tree justice. The Circumference is 25.5 feet. The height is 65 feet. The area of shade is 17,000 square feet. The largest limb is 11.25 feet in circumference and 89 feet in Length.

panorama of the Angel Oak

Actually, the people in the photos, help everyone realize the size of the Angel Oak.

The Angel Oak Tree

The Angel Oak Tree

Below: Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

Below: A closer look at the trunk of the tree - the Circumference is 25.5 feet.

the trunk of the Angel Oak tree

the trunk of the Angel Oak tree

Lee Duquette photographing the Angel Oak Tree Karen Duquette by the Angel Oak Tree

the Angel Oak tree

Lee Duquette under a branch of the Angel Oak tree

Lee Duquette among brances of the Angel Oak tree

branches of the Angel Oak tree

the Angel Oak tree

the Angel Oak tree

Below: The two RV Gypsies saw a person sitting on the tree, right beside a sign that said "Please do not climb or carve on the tree". Karen Duquette decided to take a picture just as the person was going to pull a child up onto the tree too. Then Lee Duquette said, "You really should show respect for the tree and the sign that says do not climb." So the person got off the tree without saying a word. Disrespectful, dumb, self-centered, ignorant, destructive, and a bad influence, are just a few of the words to describe this person. The two RV Gypsies hope that this photo is seen by people who know the rude, disrespectful person in the photos below.

person sitting on the Angel Oak tree

person sitting on the Angel Oak tree

Karen Duquette on Johns Island, SC

Check It OutThere is also a live oak tree in Jacksonville, Florida that the two RV Gypsies visited in 2014.
Below is a comparison of the two trees:

The Angel Oak Tree in
South Carolina (this page)

The Treaty Oak Tree
in Jacksonville, Florida

Age: 300 to 400 years old

Age: 250 years old

Height: 65 feet

Height: 70 feet

Circumference: 25.5 feet

Circumference: 25 feet

Shade area: 17,000 square feet

Shade area: a circular area of 190 feet

Largest limb: 11.25 circumference,
89 feet long

Largest limb: ??

longest branch distance is 187 feet

wild branches reach almost 150 feet

Angel Oak
The Treaty Oak tree

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