The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time
and Karen Duquette's cousins, Penny and Charlie
visited Whimzeyland - the Bowling Ball House
in Safety Harbor, Florida
May 11, 2012 |
Below: The entryway had a Book Box - leave a book and
take a book - and the book box provided chalk so visitors could write
a message. |
In 1985 the house on Third Street was small, brown, and ordinary. Then artists Todd Ramquist and Kiaralinda bought it and moved in, and the neighborhood has never been the same. The house is now the center of "Whimzeyland," a riot of bright paint, tile, and yard sculptures. It is also known as "The Bowling Ball House" because hand-decorated balls are a big part of the landscaping. Bowling balls are arranged in piles, wind along flower beds, and perch on pedestals, most embellished with smiley faces. The main house is painted in bright, happy colors, with murals of star fields and rainbows. The yard is layered with lush foliage, tile work, found objects, and sculptures. There are blue bottle trees, a fountain, junk art animals, and something unusual no matter where you look. Plus lots of bowling balls. - quoted from their brochure
The Bowling Ball house and some close-up photos of parts of the house.
Below: The Walkway and close-up photos
of some of the tiles in the walkway |
Below: Karen Duquette looked up and photographed the
ceiling on the front porch.
Below: Poles on the porch were written on by visitors and it is
OK. |
Below: The roof above the porch |
Below: Some
of the many bowling balls at the Bowling Ball House and much more... |
Below: More
wild stuff at the Bowling Ball House - Whimzeyland, in Safety Harbor,
Florida |