Six Flags Over Georgia and the roller coasters
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

and their grandson, Alex Jones
at Six Flags Over Georgia
June 25, 2011

Karen and Alex rode all of the roller coasters shown below several times. Karen Duquette is a "hands-up" roller coaster fanatic. Lee Duquette photographed Karen and Alex on several of the rides. Lee did not ride the roller coasters at all, due to a fall he had last year.
Batman: Height close to 11 stories tall
Top Speed: 50 mph
Length: 2,700 feet
Elements: 2 vertical loops (77 feet and 88 feet tall), 2 single corkscrews (each 40 feet long) and a one-of-a-kind heart line spin producing a feeling of weightlessness.
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia

Batman was a great ride, but before Karen and Alex got on the ride, they had to wait in a covered area with no fans. It was so hot and humid in that area and all the riders were complaining. Luckily, Karen Duquette had her own battery-powered fan with her that she often wears around her neck.

As seen in the photo below, people are really close to the ground at one point while upside down on the roller coaster.

Karen and Alex on Batman roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia
Dare Devil Dive was the park’s first "euro fighter" coaster, with a rare 10-story vertical lift and first drop that dives beyond vertical as it plummets towards earth. Dare Devil Dive's mission begins as you're pulled straight up to the sky on a special vertical chain lift, then slowly roll to the top of the tower nearly 100-feet in the air. After an agonizing pause at the crest of the summit, you plummet downward at an angle that is beyond straight down — it actually angles inward at a blistering 52 mph. It is the country's first PAUSE element before the beyond vertical drop.

Then you careen through a thrilling combination of diving loops while executing three inversions before you catch air on a zero gravity hill and swoop across the dreaded Immelman vertical U turn stretched high above the ground. The crescendo builds as the car dives toward the ground and up into a Heartline roll before being slowed by the magnetic brakes. Whew!

Karen and Alex on the Dare Devil Dive roller coaster Karen and Alex on the Dare Devil Dive roller coaster
Below: Karen and Alex thought the only great part of this roller coaster was the first drop. Each car only held six people and there were only four cars. There was always a long wait for this ride.
Karen and Alex on the Dare Devil Dive roller coaster
Goliath: speed 70 miles per hour
Elevation: Over 20 Stories tall
Length: 4,480 feet
Duration: Approximately 3.5 minutes total from load to unload
Goliath roller coaster at Six Flags
Karen Duquette and grandson on Goliath roller coaster at Six Flags GA
Karen Duquette and grandson on Goliath roller coaster at Six Flags GA

Ninja: Height over 12 stories tall
Top Speed: 52 mph
Length: 2,743 feet
Elements: 5 mind-boggling inversions
Duration: 1 minute, 20 seconds

Lee Duquette was unable to get a photo of Alex and Karen on this ride. That's okay because they did not like this ride anyway. It shook their heads too much. Karen and many other riders were yelling "Ow my head hurts".

Superman: Ultimate Flight uses state-of-the-art technology to create a thrill-ride experience that's as close as an earthling can get to true unassisted flight.
Height: 11-1/2 story tall
Top Speed: 60 mph
Length: Rocket face-first through 2759-feet of tortuous track

Elements: A 78-foot pretzel shaped inverted loop, a 360 degree in-line roll and first of it's kind dual loading stations at 60 mph -- Duration: 3 minutes
Superman: Ultimate Flight
superman ride

Considered by some as one of the greatest rides in existence, The Great American Scream Machine is one of the world's longest and tallest wooden roller coasters at this time, June 25, 2011..

Height: 10-1/2 stories tall
Top Speed: 57 mph
Length: 3,800 feet
Elements: Over 3,800 feet of wooden track
Duration: 2 minutes

The Great American Scream Machine
The Great American Scream Machine
The Georgia Scorcher - the coaster with no seats. The Scorcher will keep you standing at attention as it barrels through a figure-eight, a corkscrew, and two vertical loops all at blazing speed.

Hit a maximum G-force of 4
Burn up the rails at 54 mph
Length: 3,000 feet and close to 11 stories tall

Karen Duquette and her grandson in line to ride The Georgia Scorcher at Six Flags
Karen Duquette and her grandson in line to ride The Georgia Scorcher at Six Flags
Below: Karen Duquette wanted to have Lee Duquette take a photo of her and Alex, but Alex refused. Karen tried to pull him off the pole, but could not. He really had a strong hold on that pole. Oh well, these photos are more interesting this way anyway.
Karen trying to pull Alex into the photo
Karen trying to pull Alex into the photo
Below: Alex driving a remote-controlled monster truck.
Alex driving a monster truck
Alex driving a monster truck
Below: Alex shoots dummies
Paintball sign
the paintball gallery
the paintball gallery and Alex
the paintball gallery and Alex
Alex drove a go-cart. This was an extra fee, so Lee Duquette did not want to pay for Karen Duquette to drive the go-cart too, even though she wanted to. What an El-cheapo! And Karen Duquette did not have money with her. (She will from now on though) Bummer!!!  (Note: Besides the entrance fee, there was also a $10 parking fee - later they paid a $20 parking fee at Six Flags New England).
Alex drives a go-cart
Alex drives a go-cart
Below: Alex took a short nap on the tram ride to the car in the parking lot.
Alex takes a short nap on the tram ride to the car

continue on to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesThe two RV Gypsies and their grandson went to Chattanooga Tennessee

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