Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Lake Geneva with their friend, Cam Chapman
September 28, 2009
sign - Lake Geneva exit
sign - city of Lake Geneva
Below: The two RV Gypsies parked their RV at Mobile Home Park - Coachman's Terrace
The Mobile Home Park - Coachman's Terrace
The Mobile Home Park - Coachman's Terrace
a funny car in the park
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
Below: Lee Duquette and Cam Chapman bought tickets
to tour Geneva Lake by boat
Below: A few of the many boats
on Geneva Lake
a few of the many boats on Geneva Lake

Below: The boat on which the two RV Gypsies took a tour of Geneva Lake - The Walworth II - a U.S. Mail boat. This boat is often featured on the Travel Channel because of its famous mail run.

mail dudeAs the boat cruises this big lake, runners jump off the boat onto docks, put mail in people's mailboxes, get the outgoing mail (if any) and put the mail in their mouth because they need both hands free to jump back on the boat as it is still moving.

sign about The Walworth II
The Walworth II
Below: Lee Duquette ready to pilot the boat, but just then the real boat Captain demanded his seat back. Really ???ha ha ha
Lee Duquette
Below: Karen and Lee Duquette
- the two RV Gypsies

Below: Cam Chapman (a lighthouse photographer)
and Karen Duquette

the two RV Gypsies
Cam Chapman and Karen Duquette

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies The two RV Gypsies got a tour in Chicago, Illinois


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