Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed St. Mary Falls and Virginia Falls

in Glacier National Park's
west entrance
September 1, 2009

St. Mary Falls is one of the most popular hikes in the park - a 2.4 mile round trip which can be extended to 3.6 miles by continuing to Virginia Falls. Yes, the two RV Gypsies just had to see both falls. Be sure to look at all photos to see how this hike ended.
bridge and St. Mary Falls
bridge and St. Mary Falls
St. Mary Falls
St. Mary Falls
Lee at St. Mary Falls
Lee at St. Mary Falls
St. Mary Falls
St. Mary Falls
Karen Duquette at St. Mary Falls
Karen Duquette at St. Mary Falls
 St. Mary Falls
Below: Looking at the water from the other side of the bridge to see where the falls go.
the stream
the stream
The two RV Gypsies followed the steam, but headed UP the trail looking for Virginia Falls. They had to cross the stream via stepping stones in a very shallow area of very clear water.
Lee on the trail
stepping stone over the stream
Below: The two RV Gypsies came upon another waterfall, but it was NOT the Virginia Falls - it seemed to be un-named.
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
an un-named waterfall
Below: A view of a mountain as seen from the trail
mountain view

Below: Virginia Falls

Virginia Falls
Virginia Falls
Virginia Falls
Virginia Falls
Below: A view of Virginia Falls from just a bit below the falls
- notice the person in the photo (wearing a blue shirt) to get an idea of the height of the falls
Virginia Falls
Oh my - it has started to rain - and quite a heavy rain at that. It was a long hike back to the car, past the un-named falls and past St. Mary's Falls (just over 1-1/2 miles back). Look how dirty Karen Duquette's legs got. The two RV Gypsies had rain gear in the car, but not with them on this hike.
Karen in a heavy rain fall
a very muddy leg
Back in the car, the weather got worse - and a brief hail storm pounded the car of the two RV Gypsies
go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on in order of travel to
Glacier National Park - east entrance
Beautiful scenery at Two Medicine Lake and Running Eagle Falls


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