Page 2 - the return trip from Embera Village

The boat trip back from Embera Village and it was really raining hard. The boat had an overhead cover, but no side coverings and it was very windy out, so everyone got drenched.
rain and wind rain and wind
rain and wind rain and wind
rain and windv rain and wind

Below: Bonnie Deeds did not like the downpour one bit, and she ducked her head down the entire trip back. Not that it mattered any. She got just as soaked as everyone else. Bonnie wildly complained when she got back on the ship and got some kind of compensation. But nobody else got reimbursed. Guess it paid off to be the first complainer.

Bonnie Deeds trying to hide Bonnie Deeds trying to hide
rain and wind rain and wind

Halloween on board the Carnival Freedom