The Monster Jam 2-Wheel Skills Challenge
at Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC
January 5, 2025
2-wheel Skills Challenge
1st Place Winner: MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco with a score of 9.591
MJ Solorio 2-wheeel challenge winner
MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco
MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco MJ Solorio in El Toro Loco

Monster Truck doors do not open. Drivers climb in and out through the window. Below: MJ Solorio climbed on top of his truck to wave to the audience.

MJ Solorio on his Monster Truck MJ Solorio on his Monster Truc
MJ Solorio on his Monster Truc MJ Solorio on his Monster Truc
2nd place - Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger with a score of 7.617
Krysten Anderson Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger Krysten Anderson in Grave Digger
Grave Digger's score
3rd place - Brandan Tulachka in Just Get-ER-Done II with a score of 7.392
Brandan Tulachka Brandan Tulachka in Just Get-ER-Done II
Brandan Tulachka's score
4th place - Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon with a score of 6.672 and lots of action.
Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon
Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon
Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon
Mikayla Tulachka in Megalodon's score
5th place - Mark Hall in Raminator with a score of 5.111
Mark Hall in Raminator Mark Hall in Raminator
Mark Hall in Raminator Mark Hall in Raminator
Raminator Monster Truck MarkHall driver of Raminator
6th place - Kurt Kraehmer in Rammunition with a score of 3.442
Rammunition Monster Truck Rammunition score
Monster Mutt Dalmatian – Did not compete in this particular event on this date.

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to the Sky Wheelie Competition at Bon Secours Wellness Arena