The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Monroe, Louisiana
September 9 - 10, 2022


Mississippi River and a bridge
bridge crossing into Louisiana Louisiana state line sign

Below: Water tower in Start, Louisiana

University of Louisiana Monroe water tower

Start water tower ULM water tower

Below: Cheniere-Drew Water System - Water Tower in West Monroe, Louisiana

Cheniere drew water system tower Cheniere drew water system tower

Below: Entering The City of Monroe, Louisiana

KD - Karen Duquette - smile - here I am !!!

City of Monroe Bridge Karen Duquete at a big KD sign

Monroe is the eighth-largest city in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and parish seat of Ouachita Parish. With a 2020 census-tabulated population of 47,702, it is the principal city of the Monroe metropolitan statistical area, the second-largest metropolitan area in North Louisiana.

As governor of Louisiana, Esteban Rodríguez Miró had Fort Miro built in 1791. Fort Miro changed its name to Monroe to commemorate the first arrival of the steamboat James Monroe in the spring of 1820.The ship's arrival was the single event, in the minds of local residents, that transformed the outpost into a town.

Credit for the name is indirectly given to James Monroe of Virginia, the fifth President of the United States, for whom the ship was named. The steamboat is depicted in a mural at the main branch of the Ouachita Parish Public Library, but not in the mural shown below..

Greetings from Monroe mural

Below: Passing a a pick up truck with a unique paint job

a pick-up trurk with a unique paint job

Below: Wow - what a great football display in someone's front yard

football display in someone's front yar football display in someone's front yar

Below: Bulldog and USA flag flying high in downtown Monroe, Louisiana

Bulldog and USA flag Bulldog and USA flag
Bulldog and USA flag U-Haul water tower
mural in Monroe, Louisiana

Below: There were lots of painted storks in downtown Monroe, Louisiana, but Karen Duquette was only able to photograph a few of them as Lee drove by them. They were scattered throughout the town.

USA painted stork painted stork
painted stork
painted stork painted stork
a big bell
look below

please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to The Biedenharn Museum and Gardens