Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
hiked at Ada-Hi-Falls
in Black Rock Mountain State Park
October 27, 2020 - plus a Flashback to 2005
USA map showing location of GeorgiaGeorgia map showing location of Ada-Hi Falls

Ada-Hi Falls (pronounced Uh-dah`'he) is 35-feet tall and located on Taylor Creek within Black Rock Mountain State Park in Rabun County, Georgia, United States. The name is Cherokee for "forest." It is the highest elevation waterfall in the state. The amount of water present is highly variable due to its high elevation. The falls are surrounded by a forest of rhododendron. A short, yet steep hike, ends at an observation deck. The Ada-Hi Falls Trail in Georgia is rated as moderate, and should be trekked from March until November for the best and safest weather conditions.

Ada-Hi Falls Trail sign
difficult grade sign

Below: There were 200 stairs EACH way along this hike.

Lee Duquette on the Ada-Hi Falls Trail Lee Duquette on the Ada-Hi Falls Trail
Karen Duquette on the Ada-Hi trail Karen Duquette on the Ada-Hi trail
Lee Duquette on the Ada-Hi Falls Trail steps Lee Duquette on the Ada-Hi Falls steps
fall foliage fall foliage
fall foliage trees
Ada-Hi Falls Ada-Hi Falls
Lee Duquette at Ada-Hi Falls Karen Duquette at Ada-Hi Falls
panorama taken by Lee Duquette
Karen Duquette at Ada-Hi Falls Karen Duquette at Ada-Hi Falls
Ada-Hi Falls Ada-Hi Falls
Ada-Hi Falls

Lee and Karen Duquette walked down about 200 steps to get to Ada-Hi Falls in Black Rock Mountain State Park, Georgia. When they finally reached the viewing platform, they enjoyed the views of the 35-foot tall waterfall. Since they were obviously outside, and did not meet any other people on the hike, Karen Duquette had put her Coronavirus mask around her wrist in case they did get near people. But after hiking back up the trail and up the 200+ stairs again, Karen realized she had lost her mask when she put her walking stick down on the viewing platform to take pictures.

At the top of the stairs, she met a family and asked them if they would be willing to bring her mask up to her when they finished their hike because the mask is required when around people. So the two RV Gypsies sat in their car and ate their picnic lunch until the kind people came back with her mask. Karen had been worried that they would not want to touch the mask, but the man had carried it by the straps. Thank you kind strangers.

Flash Back signAugust 1, 2005
Ada-Hi Falls Trail sign
Lee Duquette on the stairs Lee Duquette on the stairs
Ada-Hi Falls
Ada-Hi Falls Trail  and Lee Duquette Ada-Hi Falls Trail  and Karen Duquette

Below: View to the side of the trail in 2005

View to the side of the trail in 2005

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Since these waterfalls bordered the North Carolina border, the two RV Gypsies then drove the short distance to Cullasaja Falls and Bust-Yer-Butt Falls in NC.


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