Lee and Karen Duquette
enjoyed South Carolina Botanical Garden
150 Discovery Lane
Clemson, S.C. 29634
phone -'864.656.3405
May 22, 2020

Note: On the date that the Two RV Gypsies were here, the garden was only open for trail use with Social Distancing in effect. Every other parking space was coned off. All visitor facilities were closed including rest rooms and the picnic area.

However, since sirens sounded off just as the two RV Gypsies parked their car, they remained in their car for about 1-1/2 hour or so until the major thunderstorm passed. By then, all the other cars and people had left, and the two RV Gypsies had the gardens to themselves.

USA map showing location of SCSC map showing location of Clemson
Welcome to Anderson County, South Carolina sign old truck and a pig

historyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The South Carolina Botanical Garden (295 acres) is located in Clemson, South Carolina on the campus of Clemson University. Clemson is a city in Pickens and Anderson Counties.

The garden has nature trails, pathways, ponds, streams, woodlands, gardens and The Bob Campbell Geology Museum. The Bob Campbell Geology Museum features more than 10,000 rocks, minerals and fossils and has exhibits focused on geological and paleontological topics. (closed on this date due to the Coronavirus).

The gardens are the home of the historic Hanover House, which is an early 18th-century house built in the South Carolina Low Country and moved to the Clemson campus. It also has a pioneer village featuring the Hunt Log Cabin, which was originally built about 1825 in the Seneca, South Carolina area.

Clemson University water tower

Below: Wildlife - a groundhog and 3 squirrels

groundhog squirrel
squirrel squirrel
Look below

Note: The South Carolina Botanical Garden is large, and Karen Duquette took a lot of photos, so you may visit any or all of the following sections in the order of your choice.

1 - Entrance to the Gardens

2 - Caboose Garden

3 - flowers in various garden sections

4 - Butterfly Garden

5 - Children's Garden and a sculpture

6 - Aquatic Garden

7 - The Hunt Cabin and a small waterfall

8 - Desert Garden, Jurassic Garden,
Geology museum outside