The Gardens at The International Peace Garden - Page 2 of 3

Karen Duquette's favorite tree is the lilac tree, and this one was full of butterflies.

Karen Duquette's favorite tree is the lilac tree
lilac tree with butterflies
Karen Duquette smells her favorite flower, the lilac
Karen Duquette smells her favorite flower, the lilac

Below: The Interpretive Center had many interesting displays inside.

map of the International Garden and the USA and Canadian flag
map of the International Garden
poster inside the Interpretive Center
poster of the International Peace Garden postal stamp

In 2012, the two RV Gypsies discovered that June 10th was just too early to visit the International Peace Gardens. Most areas had flowers that were recently planted and lots of bare spots still.

a few flowers inside the International Peace Garden

a few flowers at the International Peace Garden

Below: An 18-foot floral clock display. June 10, 2012 was too early in the season for flowers to be in the floral clock though. But on August 23, 2015, the clock was as beautiful as ever.

An 18-foot floral clock display - no flowers
An 18-foot floral clock display

The Floral Clock, 18 feet in diameter, is a popular attraction at the International Peace Garden, and displays a unique floral design each year. The number of plants on the clock can range from 2,000 to 5,000, depending on the type of plant and design on the face of the clock. Typically the first week in June, 150,000 flowers are planted at the Peace Garden, and best viewed full bloom from mid-July through August. However, the park has its own distinctive beauty all year around

the flower clock at International Peace Garden
Karen Duquette and the flower clock at International Peace Garden

Below: A few samples of the flower garden across the road from the floral clock.

Display Garden sign
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flower winner sign
flowers in the Display Garden
flower in the Display Garden
flower in the Display Garden
flowers in the Display Garden
flower in the Display Garden

Below: The Sunken Garden, located in the Formal Garden, displays a focal octagonal pond with two adjoining reflecting pools. The North Dakota Homemakers and the Manitoba Women’s Institute support the two reflecting pools. The three have active water features. Octagonal walkways and planting of trees, shrubs and flowers repeatedly encompass the pond. On the north and south walkways, two stone garden houses, financed by the North Dakota and U.S. National Homemakers’ Clubs, marks the Avenues of America and Canada.

water fountain
Sunken Garden and bridge
Sunken Garden and bridge

Below: Looking down towards the towers - one photo in 2012 and one photo in 2015 photo.

view of the empty flower garden
Looking down towards the towers

Below: Different views of The Garden in 2015

Karen Duquette at International Peace Garden
Different views of Garden in 2015
Different views of Garden in 2015
Lee Duquette at International Peace Garden
Different views of Garden in 2015
Different views of Garden in 2015
Different views of Garden in 2015
Different views of Garden in 2015

Below: The pond flowed into a stream of water that went all the way back to the towers. It divides the USA and Canada portion of the park.

pond, stream, flowers at International Peace Garden
pond, stream, flowers at International Peace Garden
stream that divides USA and Canada

Below - Floral Flags: The stars and stripes of Old Glory and the majestic Maple Leaf can be seen in the floral flag plots, the only two floral designs at the International Peace Garden which remain the same each year.

USA floral flag
Canadian floral flag
sign about the gardens
flowers at International Peace Garden
flower sign
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
flowers at International Peace Garden
pond and water fountain
pond and water fountain
pond and water fountain

go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesPlease continue on to page 3 at the International Peace Garden - Cacti