The Two RV Gypsies at Senor Frogs in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

View of Senor Frogs as seen from
the balcony of the two RV Gypsies' room on the ship.

Karen Duquette in front of Senor Frogs

View of Sr. Frogs
Karen Duquette in front of Sr. Frogs
Lee Duquette in front of Sr. Frogs
a big frog and a turtle shell
the longest surrboard in the world
the longest surrboard in the world

Posting these signs here does NOT mean that the two RV Gypsies agree with any of them, and they hope that nobody is offended by any of these. They are meant to be fun.

sign- where anything can happen
female outline
Sr. Frog's boat wall inside Sr. frog's
heavy partying zone
drink recipes
inner frog sign

Photos and signs on the walls at Senor Frog's

Frog photo on the walls at Sr. Frog's
Frog photo on the walls at Sr. Frog's
Frog photo on the walls at Sr. Frog's
Frog photo on the walls at Sr. Frog's
hot penquins
fish sign
rhino sign
funny sign
get fat sign

Below: Lee Duquette said, "There's MY Viking hat that I could not find for the party. - How did it get there?"

restroom sign and Lee Duquette
reson to eat at Senor Frog's

Below: The two RV Gypsies enjoyed the signs at Senior Frog's

just married sign
horny mooners sign
drowned buoy
gossip sign
look below
Continue on for some more and different silly signs
at Senor Frogs in St. Thomas